Madjiguene Thiam is currently Head of Programmes and Resource Mobilisation as well as Coordinator of the Projet d’Appui au Parlement et aux Processus Electoraux in Tchad. Since 2017, Madjiguene has held various positions within ECES, such as Project Coordinator, Project Advisor, Deputy Coordinator and Project Officer. In these roles, both in Brussels and in the field, Madjiguene has been involved in the implementation of project activities by also ensuring monitoring, administrative, financial, and operational. In this context, Madjiguene has actively participated in the development and implementation of projects in Mali, Chad, Kenya, Ethiopia, Senegal, Gabon and Afghanistan.

In addition to project management, Madjiguene is active in resource mobilisation, has participated in several formulation missions, and has actively contributed to the preparation and drafting of project documents. These include tenders for grants and service contracts. Madjiguene is a BRIDGE semi-accredited trainer.

Before joining ECES, Madjiguene worked for an Italian-Belgian consultancy firm, specialising in European and international funding, in particular external cooperation programmes. . As well as monitoring funding programmes and drafting project proposals, Madjiguene was in charge of external relations with international organisations. She also worked for the International Chamber of Commerce in Milan, dealing with economic, social, and cultural cooperation between private and public Italian entities and various African countries. .  

She is a graduate of the Università degli Studi di Milano, with a degree in International Sciences and European Studies and two masters degrees in International Relations - specialising in Diplomacy and International Cooperation - and in Strategic and Military Studies. Madjiguene also holds two professional certifications, PRINCE 2 Foundation and Results-Based Management for project management.

Languages: Wolof (Senegal), Italian, English, French.