Training of trainers in Leadership and Conflict Management for Electoral Actors (LEAD) - PACEM Gabon Launch of ECES new project in Gabon (PACEM - Gabon) Fabio Bargiacchi - ECES Founder & Executive Director Joëlle Milquet - President of the ECES Strategic & Advisory Committee FIliberto Sebregondi - Vice President of ECES Strategic & Advisory Committee Monica Frassoni - President of the European Centre for Electoral Support (ECES) Projet d'appui à la société civile comorienne pour l'observation électorale et la communication Fabio Bargiacchi - ECES Founder & Executive Director at the 7th Annual Continental Forum of EMBs Fabio Bargiacchi - ECES Founder & Executive Director at the 7th Annual Continental Forum of EMBs Interview to Fabio Bargiacchi at the Capacity4dev stand - European Development Days 2022 Interview with Anthony Okara - Project Coordinator of Pro-Peace Kenya (Kenya's Democratic Journey) Interview with Anthony Okara - Project Coordinator of Pro-Peace Kenya (Kenya's Democratic Journey) Interview to Commissioner of National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) - Danvas Makori In this interview with Danvas Makori, Commissioner of the National Cohesion and Integration Commissi... Interview to Chairperson of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) - Roseline Odede In this interview, Roseline Odede, Chairperson of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNC... Interview to the Chairman National Electoral Commission of Mozambique - Carlos Simão Matsinhe ð??²ð??¿ Interview with Carlos Simão Matsinhe, President of the National Electoral Commission o... Interview EU Ambassador to Kenya - Henriette Geiger In this interview with His Excellency, Henriette Geiger, the EU Ambassador to Kenya, provided insigh... Former Chairman of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) - Mr. Wafula W. Chebukati We interviewed Wafula Chebukati, the former chairman of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Com... Fabio Bargiacchi announcement of the documentary Kenya Democratic Journey Teaser Kenya Democratic Journey - Road to Peaceful Elections S. Col. Gallone from the Arma dei Carabinieri on the LEAD training in Nairobi 14 - 17 November From the 14th to the 17th of November, in the framework of our Pro Peace Kenya Project, two trainers... Ten. Col. Borretti from the Arma dei Carabinieri on the LEAD training in Nairobi 14 - 17 November We are proud to have started our global collaboration with the Arma dei Carabinieri. From the 14... Mediation in a challenging international environment: Building partnerships for sustainable peace Fabio Bargiacchi at 24th General Conference of the Electoral Commissions Forum of the SADC We are proud to support the 24th Annual General Conference of the Electoral Commissions Forum of the... Amb Fabrizio Lobasso on the collaboration between the Italian MFA and ECES S.E. Amb. Calixte Aristide Mbari opening remarks at the AU workshop in Niamey 24-26 August 2022. With the joint project signed between ECES and the African Union (AU), financed by the Italian Minis... ECES Head of Operation & Administration Gorka Gamarra opening remarks at the AU workshop in Niamey With the joint project signed between ECES and the African Union (AU), financed by the Italian Minis... SAUTI SOL WYRE EVELYN WANJIRU MERCY MASIKA TRIO MIO SIZE 8 SAMIDOH KHALIGRAPH JONES - ONLY LOVE "Only Love/Upendo Wa Kenya" - A peace education campaign for our project just premiered across radio... ECES Founder and Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi at EDD 2022 On the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Project Coordinator of the PRO Observation Mali project Madjiguene Thiam at EDD 2022 On the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Project Coordinator in Nigeria Hamza Fassi Fihri at the European Development Days 2022 At the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Strategic and Advisory Committee Vice-President Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi at EDD 2022 At the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Strategic and Advisory Committee president Joelle Milquet at EDD 2022 On the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Vice-President of the Management Board Jose Manuel Pinto-Teixeira at the EDD 2022 At the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... ECES Media Monitoring and Communication Expert Amirouche Nedjaa at EDD 2022 On the European Development Days 2022, which took place on June 21-22, 2022, ECES was selected to ha... PRO PEACE KENYA launch - opening remarks Filiberto C. Sebregondi Vice President, ECES Strategic & Advisory Committee On the 13th of May 2022, the European Centre for Electoral Support with its partner the National Coh... PRO PEACE KENYA launch - opening remarks Erastus Mwencha Member, ECES Strategic & Advisory Committee On the 13th of May 2022, the European Centre for Electoral Support with its partner the National Coh... PRO PEACE KENYA launch - opening remarks Anne Ireri, ELOG Chairperson/FIDA Kenya Executive Director On the 13th of May 2022, the European Centre for Electoral Support with its partner the National Coh... PRO PEACE KENYA launch - opening remarks Katrin Hagemann Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Kenya On the 13th of May 2022, the European Centre for Electoral Support with its partner the National Coh... PRO PEACE KENYA launch - opening remarks Samul Kobia Chairman, National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) On the 13th of May 2022, the European Centre for Electoral Support with its partner the National Coh... MORE THAN 11 YEARS OF LEAD TRAININGS Leadership and Quality Management Skills for Electoral Administrators (LEAD-Q) The 'Leadership and Quality Management Skills for Electoral Administratorsâ? is a capacity develo... ECES Founder F. Bargiacchi & Filiberto Sebregondi at the Tv debate Afrika-Europa at EU Parliament On the 10th of February 2022, ECES' Founder & Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi and the Vice Presi... ECES Founder & Executive Director Fabio Bargicchi openeing conference remarks Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention Stefano Manservisi: former director general of Directorate Development & Cooperation EU Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Opening remarks Ms Chiara Adamo, Director Human Development Governance & Peace, European Commission Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Openinig remarks Christina Kokkinakis, Director of Values and Multilateral Relations, EEAS Opening remark Mr Calixte Aristide Mbari Ag Director Governance & Conflict Prevention AU Commission. Opening remark Emanuela Del Re, EU Special Representative for the Sahel Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Opening remark Marina Sereni: Italian Vice-minister, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Romano Prodi opening remark at Strengthening Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Opening remark Mr Calixte Aristide Mbari Ag Director Governance & Conflict Prevention AU Commission Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention Cristina Castagnoli: Head of Unit, Democracy and Election Actions, European Parliament Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention of Mr Calixte Aristide Mbari Ag Director Governance & Conflict Prevention AU Commission Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... The intervention of Monica Frassoni: President of the European Centre for Electoral Support Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention of Gilberte Bawara: Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Dialogue, Togo Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... The intervention of the Member of the European Parliament Mr Charles Gorens Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention Ms Sonya Reines-Djivanides: Executive Director of EPLO Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Intervention of Ms Victoria Florinder: Senior Electoral & Mediation Expert Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... The intervention of Mr Erastus Mwencha: former Vice President of the African Union Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... Funder Fabio Bargiacchi & President Monica Frassoni at Afrika-Europa at the European Parliament On the 11th of December 2022, ECES executive director Fabio Bargiacchi and ECES' President Monica Fr... Fabio Bargiacchi - ECES Founder & Executive Director - Implementing EURECS Strategy at PPF 2021 ECES Founder & Executive Director, Fabio Bargiacchi's speech at ECES workshop at the Paris Peace For... Fabio Bargiacchi - ECES Founder & Executive Director - Panel Discussion Paris Peace Forum 2021 ECES Founder & Executive Director, Fabio Bargiacchi's intervention at the Panel Discussion "Projects... Victoria Florinder - Senior Electoral and Mediation Expert at Paris Peace Forum 2021 Strengthening the Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa within the context of the European ... ECES Introduction to Paris Peace Forum 2021 Paris Peace Forum 2021 - Fabio Bargiacchi, ECES founder & Executive Director TOP CONGO FM Interview with Fabio Bargiacchi, ECES Founder & Executive Director The signing of the MoU between ECES & African Union Addis Ababa - 20 May 2021 Coaching Training on Media Monitoring - Opening speech by Fabio Bargiacchi, ECES co-founder & ED Online - 29 March 2021 Online Training on Media Monitoring: Sub-saharian Africa Deputy Director Amb. Fabrizio Lobasso Online - 29 March 2021 Media Monitoring Training - Patrick Nshindano Chief Electoral Officer of Zambia Electoral Commission Online - 29 March 2021 ECES & EURES - Work opportunities for young Europeans 12 March 2021 Covid 19 & the Electoral Global process Nigeria - 10 March 2021 2020 in pictures Support Project for the Electoral Process in Senegal (PAPE Senegal) Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio - Launch of Partnership with Africa & InnovElections 15 December 2020 Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Emanuele del Re at the launch of Partnership with Africa & InnovElections 15 December 2020 Italian Deputy Foreign Minister - Marina Sereni on the launch of Partnership with Africa & InnovElections 15 December 2020 Fabio Bargiacchi announces the launch of InnovElections 15 December 2020 Birtukan Mideksa, Chairperson of National Election Board of Ethiopia on the launch of 'Italian Partnership with Africaâ? & InnovElections 15 December 2020 Cessouma Minata Samate, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs at the launch of Partnership with Africa & InnovElections 15 December 2020 Innov'Elections - Partnership with Africa 15 December 2020 ECES against Gender Based Violence - Monica Frassoni December 2020, ECES HQ 16 Days against GBV - Joëlle Milquet December 2020 - ECES HQ Introduction to ECES projects in Nigeria November 2020 - Nigeria What are LEAD training? November 2020 Ethiopia PEV Ethiopia in Brief November 2020 - Ethiopia ECES selected as one of best projects a Paris Peace Forum! ECES at Paris Peace Forum: Fabio Bargiacchi on our Ethiopia projects 11 November 2020 Trailer: ECES selected at Paris Peace Forum! 11-13 November 2020 Q&A : Fabio Bargiacchi at the Paris Peace Forum 11 November 2020 ECES Participation - Paris Peace Forum, 11 - 13 November 2020 Our activity to support the upcoming electoral process in Ethiopia and funded by the European Union ... Fabio Bargiacchi - Co-founder and Executive Director on ECES Response to COVID-19 Response to COVID-19 - HQ 2020 Eva Palmans - ECES Head of Programmes, Resource Mobilisation and Board Member Introduction to ECES' Projects in Madagascar Post Legislative Scrutiny in Jordan (EN/AR) Jordan - October 2020 Official Election Song of Nigeria 2019 General Elections Nigeria - 2019 Part 3: Voice of the Woman Nigeria docuseries Women political participation - Nigeria Part 2: Voice of the Woman - The INEC Nigeria pledge Women political participation - Nigeria Part 1: Voice of the Woman Nigeria docuseries ECES - Nigeria - 2019 ECES Executive Director, Fabio Bargiacchi Interview International Conference Of Electoral Monitoring Bodies Interview Civic and Voter Education on Electoral participation General Elections - Nigeria - 2019 Ketil Karlsen, EU Ambassador to Nigeria & Ecowas' Goodwill Message Symposium On Inclusivity - August 2019 - Abuja - Nigeria Civic and Voter Education campaign on inclusion of Persons With Disabilities Elections - Nigeria 2019 Youth Workshops in Jordan (EN/AR) Jordan - 2019 ECES Documentary on Jordan Project Jordan - 2019 1st ISO certification of Electoral Management Body in the Middle East Jordan - 2019 ISO certification of Jordan Election Commission: the process Jordan - October 2019 Prof. Mohammad J. Kuna interview Brussels - European Development Days - 2019 PEV Madagascar - Spaces for Dialogue Spaces for Dialogue PEV Madagascar - raising awareness in peace culture Multi stakeholder collaboration in securing elections - Madagascar Madagascar - 2019 Madagascar, towards peaceful elections Documentary on the elections in Madagascar and the support of ECES to peaceful elections PEV Madagascar - Media monitoring and electoral violence Women from Madagascar Fabio Bargiacchi on the 1st Electoral Regional Conference Dead Sea - Jordan - December 2019 ECES President - Monica Frassoni interview Brussels - European Development Days 2019 Jordan TV - EU Ambassador interview on 1st Regional Electoral Conference Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 Fabio Bargiacchi on Fake News and Electoral Interference Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 Jose Enrique on ISO Certification Process Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 AlMamlaka TV - Fabio Bargiacchi on 1st Regional Electoral Conference Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 EU Ambassador to Jordan - Opening Speech at Regional Electoral Conference Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 Fabio Bargiacchi - Opening Speech at Regional Electoral Conference Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 EU Ambassador to Jordan - H.E. Maria Hadjitheodosiou interview 1st Regional Electoral Conference at Dead Sea- Jordan - December 2019 Samar Haj Hasan - Jordan Electoral Commissioner interview Brussels - European Development Days - 2019 EURECS - A European Response to Electoral Cycle Support ECES - 2010-2020 ECES Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi's Goodwill Message at LEAD training Ethiopia -25 - 28 June 2019 Manyakwal Mekonnen, Interim Head of CECOE at Launch of PEV Ethiopia Ethiopia - 25 - 28 June 2019 Terhi Lertinen, Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Ethiopia at PEC Ethiopia launch Ethiopia - August 2019 15th International Electoral Affairs Symposium Jordan - December 2018 Gorka Gamarra on Women Participation in Electoral Processes (FR) Brussels - European Development Days - 2018 Aous Qutaishat on ECES support to Jordan Independent Election Commission Brussels - European Development Days - 2018 ECES Vice President J. Manuel Pinto-Teixeira on his support to ECES missions Brussels - European Development Days - 2018 ECES Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi, on the Mission and Values of ECES Brussels - European Development Days - 2018 ECES President Monica Frassoni on ECES History and Women Empowerment Brussels - European Development Days - 2018 ECES Executive Director, Fabio Bargiacchi at INEC Women Synergy Workshop Abuja - Nigeria -September 2018 ECES President, Monica Frassoni in 2018 at INEC Synergy Workshop For Nigerian Women Abuja - Nigeria - September 2018 EU DAY Campus outreach Nigeria - May 2018 ECES Executive Director, Fabio Bargiacchi at the Campus Outreach for Youth Abuja, Nigeria - 3 May 2018 Transfer Of Permanent Voter Card - Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria Nigeria - 2018 ISO certification explained - EU JDID project Jordan - 2018 Conference: Role of technology in electoral processes Nigeria - April 2018 News report: Use of technology in Nigerian elections ARISE News - Nigeria - April 2018 INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmood Yakubu's interview Official EU-SDGN Project Launch - February 2018 ECES Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi - Nigeria project launch Official EU-SDGN Project Launch - February 2018 EU Ambassador to Nigeria & ECOWAS Ketil Karlsen's interview Official EU-SDGN Project Launch - February 2018 ECES Vice President Jose M. Pinto-Teixeira at the EU SDGN launch Nigeria - February 2018 News Report: PAPES project - Audit of Voters List RTS - Senegal - January 2018 News Report: PAPES project - Audit of Voters List 20h Journal - Senegal - January 2018 News Report: PAPES project - Audit of Voters List SEN - Senegal - January 2018 Said Sanadiki, ECES Senior Electoral Expert, in charge of the Middle East Region with the Libanese Minister of Interior Tele Liban, January 2017 ECES President, M. Frassoni, on the 2016 USA elections and MoU ECES-OAS Washington, November 2016 Full session "Implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16 for peaceful and inclusive societies" Brussels - European Development Days - 2016 Thijs Berman on "Implementing SDG 16 for peaceful and inclusive societies" Brussels - European Development Days - 2016 Documentary film "Citizen perceptions and expectations of the exercise of power in Madagascar" (FR) Madagascar - "Zana bahoaka ! Le néo rebelle malagasy" Introducing the background and objectives of the LEAD training ECES - 2010-2020 LEAD Training I PACTE-BF I April 2016 Interview with Evrard SOMDA, Commandant of the Gendarmerie and LEAD Security Focal Point. Thanks to ... TV Coverage of LEAD Training - PACTE-BF project (FR) Burkina Faso - April 2016 News Report: LEAD Training - PACTE-BF project (FR) BF1 - Burkina Faso - April 2016 Deployment of electoral material -PACTE II Comores (FR) Comoros - 2016 CENA President speaks on E-Day -1 of 2nd Round of Presidential elections (FR) Benin- 19 March 2016 Opening of PACTE-Guinea II Office Conakry, Guinea - 10 March 2016 INCIPALS Madagascar project: its achievements (FR) Madagascar - 2016 News report: Presentation of the system for election results treatment in Burkina Faso RTB TV - Burkina Faso - 12 November 2015 PACTE II Comores - Evaluation workshop (FR) Comoros - March 2016 PACTE II Comores: Assemblage des isoloirs (FR) Comoros - 2016 Elections Day - 1st Round of Comoros presidential elections (FR) Comoros - 2016 PACTE II Comores - Awareness spot (FR) Comoros - 2016 Voting instructions for Presidential and Governor elections - PACTE Comores II (FR) Comoros - 2016 PACTE II Comores - Awareness spot (FR) Comoros - 2016 News Report: President of the CENA on the electoral process (FR) Africa 24 News - Benin - 5 March 2016 Deployment of electioral material - PACTE Comores II project (FR) Comoros - February 2016 Awareness spot: Technical Assistance to the CENA (FR) Benin - 2016 Media Monitoring Training, PACTE Comoros II (FR) Comoros - February 2016 Visit from the EU Delegation in PACTE Comores II offices (FR) Moroni, Comoros - 30 January 2016 Delivery of electoral material to the CENI - PACTE Comores II (FR) Comoros - 2 February 2016 News Report: Stéphane Mondon Speech at Ceremony for Electoral Material Handover to INEC (FR) Burkina Faso - 2016 News Report: Ceremony of electoral material handover to INEC Burkina Info - Burkina Faso - 7 October 2015 News: Launch ceremony of INCIPALS project Madagascar Madagascar - July 2015 Reportage de CENI sur 1er tour des elections - PACTE project Comoros - 25 janvier 2015 Documentary: Une élection de sortie de crise (FR) Madagascar - November 2014 PEV-SADC project: Preventing Electoral Violence Mozambique - August 2014 LEAD training by Alonso Muñoz (UPEACE): the advantages of e-Learning Barcelona - October 2013 PACTE project: Micros- trottoirs (FR) Majunga, Madagascar - September 2013 PACTE project: Micros- trottoirs (FR) Diego, Madagascar - September 2013 PACTE project : Sensibilisation par les OSC à Manjakandriana (FR) Madagascar - September 2013 PACTE project: Les observateurs électoraux (FR) Madagascar - September 2013 LEAD training - Formation Lubumbashi RDC - September 2013 PEV-SADC project: Voices of the Zimbabwean people after the elections Zimbabwe - July 2013 PEV-SADC project: Voices of the people before the elections Zimbabwe - July 2013 PEV-SADC project: Reportage on General Elections 2013 Zimbabwe - July 2013 PEV-SADC project: ESN observes Zimbabwean elections Zimbabwe - July 2013 PACTE project: Micros-trottoirs dans le Sud du pays (FR) Madagascar - July 2013 PACTE project : Micro-trottoirs "Si j étais président" (FR) Tamatave, Madagascar - July 2013 PACTE Madagascar project: "Ma voix, ma liberté" Micros-trottoirs (FR) Madagascar - June 2013 PACTE Madagascar project : Journée de réflexion avec les OSC (FR) Madagascar - May 2013 SDP project: Support to the Democratisation Process in Sudan Sudan - 2013 SDP project: Support to the Democratisation Process in Sudan (AR) Sudan - 2013 Introducing the Barcelona International Peace and Resource Center Barcelona - December 2012 LEAD background & objectives in Sudan Sudan - SPD - December 2012 LEAD Training of Trainers - SWAY4EDU project Brussels - May 2012 Elections air lift - SUDEL project Libya - May 2012 Women's Role in Libya's Transition and Electoral Processes Libya - Sudel - 2012 SWAY4EDU - Project Introduction (FR) DRC - 2012 Interview with Abbé Apollinaire Muholongu Malumalu in 2012 June 2012 « ‹12 › »