Jean Brice is a young man with a passion for mathematics and finance, whose academic and professional career reveals a constant commitment to excellence and dynamism.

After obtaining his bachelor's degree in construction engineering from the École Centrale des Arts et Métiers in Brussels, Jean Brice became increasingly interested in the field of finance. Driven by a desire to merge his engineering skills with an in-depth understanding of the financial world, he decided to pursue his studies in accounting and finance in Brussels.

During his bachelor's degree in accounting and finance, Jean Brice deepened his knowledge of financial and budgetary management, management control and balance sheet analysis. His passion for these subjects led him to look for practical opportunities to apply his newly acquired skills.

It was during a three-month internship at ECES that Jean Brice had the opportunity to put his finance skills into practice. The placement proved to be a crucial step in his career, culminating in an offer of a contract at the end of the placement period. Since January 2024, he has held the position of junior finance officer at ECES, where he actively contributes to various projects.

As junior finance officer, Jean Brice plays a key role in major projects such as EURECS in Ethiopia, Pro-Kenya and the Comoros. His expertise in mathematical sciences and finance enables him to bring a unique perspective to these projects, combining analytical rigour with creativity in solving complex problems.

With a promising future ahead of him, Jean Brice continues to be fully involved in the world of finance, making a significant contribution to the projects that are shaping the financial future of an organisation such as ECES.

Languages: French , English