CATHY LATIWA ALLARA is a Senior Project Advisor at ECES.

Cathy Latiwa is a lawyer, gender and inclusion expert working in the sector of development, governance, and democracy. She is a Public Speaker, facilitator, and Certified international trainer on Leadership & Conflict Management Skills for Electoral Stakeholders (LEAD).

In 2015, she founded the Latiwa Development Foundation, a philanthropic organisation working in the DRC, Cameroon, Nigeria and Belgium with a focus on women and girl’s economic empowerment.

She has a large experience in training women on gender equality, women and girl child rights, women’s political empowerment, inclusive political processes, and electoral support program in Africa.  She is an ardent supporter of movements against Gender-based Violence, by creating platforms for victims to speak out.

She works as a member of the advisory board for Women Power Legacy, Trustees (Bot), The Sheroes international Network Group and has experience with the European Union and United Nation processes.

She speaks French and English fluently, Italian and Spanish on a basic level, Swahili and Lingala as a mother-tongue.