Ever Fernandez is a Computer Scientist with a specialization in Projects and Procurement. He was IT Expert for the European Union Election Observation Mission Sri Lanka 2019, Malawi 2019, Sierra Leone 2018, Honduras 2017 and Peru 2016. Also worked in EU EOM Honduras 2013, Nicaragua 2011 and Peru 2011.
On 2019, as IT Consultant, he participated in the EU Funded Project: Capacity Building Supreme Audio-visual and Communications Council on Media Monitoring) for the Osservatorio di Pavia in Democratic Republic of Congo.
From 2009 to 2016, he worked for the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Peru and Argentina, participating also as Technical Specialist in ICT Procurement Processes for the Regional Hub: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, Perú and Panamá.
And from 2000 to 2009, he also worked for Supervisory Agency of the Government Procurement – OSCE / Ministry of Economy and Finance, as Technical Specialist/Advisor for IT procurement processes.