This  project sought to create a peaceful climate for democracy, dialogue and collaboration.


The Preventing Electoral Violence in Madagascar (PEV Madagascar) project, financed by the EU Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace, is based on the lessons learned from the projects led by ECES in the region.

It is aimed at consolidating the achievements and establishing continuity of the projects implemented by ECES in Madagascar since 2013. PEV Madagascar aims to create a peaceful climate to inspire trust in the democratic process, while promoting dialogue and collaboration amongst various electoral stakeholders.

Consolidating peace and stability requires the establishment of a solid framework for dialogue at all levels of Malagasy society. To this effect, ECES collaborates with electoral administrators, elected officials, CSOs, media organisations, youth and women networks, religious leaders and security forces.

The global objective of this action is to contribute to prevention of electoral conflict and possible violence and to support civil society and other key actors in promoting a peaceful and inclusive electoral process. The project seeks to achieve this goal by reinforcing the mediation capacities of civil society and other key electoral stakeholders through dialogue and collaboration in electoral conflict and violence prevention. In this context, PEV-Madagascar aims to establish a conflict prevention mechanism as an early warning and rapid response tools.

The project also aims to promote dialogue initiatives among the civil society, the electoral administration and security forces in order to support mutual trust and understanding. As quality and objective information is a key tool in promoting tolerance and peace, PEV Madagascar supports conflict-sensitive journalism and media monitoring.

Please visit our project website for more detail:

A number of ressources related to the PEV Madagascar project are also available in our "Documents/Publications" , "Images" and "Videos" sections.