ECES is proud to announce the official launch of the « Accountability in Madagascar : From theory to practice » project (, financed by the United States Embassy in Madagascar and implemented by the consortium of four partners: the European Centre for Electoral Support, Liberty 32, Tolotsoa and the Center for Creative Leadership.


The official launch of the project took place at the American Center in Tanjombato on December 8th, 2015. This event sought to present the project, the different partners involved in it as well as its objectives, actions and activities.

The project lasted one year, from September 2016 to September 2017.

It focused on the concept of accountability and civic participation in public and political life. One of the main objectives of the project is the promotion of forums/spaces for dialogue which will allow the Civil Society Organizations to work with the other actors of the society in their quest for more accountability and good governance.

The specific objectives of the project were :

  • To encourage the Civil Society, and citizens in general, to make their voice heard in their request for transparent, responsible and accountable governance, 
  • To persuade the authorities in becoming more accountable to the population through their actions and decisions and to move forward in accepting accountability as a common practice in governance in Madagascar,
  • To raise awareness among the population about its rights and the interest it has in participating more in the political process and public life,
  • To promote local initiatives linked to accountability and fight against corruption through local small scale projects.

In order to achieve the different objectives, the following activities were implemented:

  1. Training of supervisors, members of the organizations Liberty 32 and Tolotsoa, who will support other initiatives/projects of other CSOs ; 
  2. Training for young activists in the five target regions followed by a debate/dialogue with local authorities with the objective of creating more projects in favor of accountability in those regions ; 
  3.  Supervision and support of the projects which will be selected by the grant committee made of consortium members ; 
  4. Design and publication of an illustrated guide on citizenship and accountability targeting the ordinary citizen with the objective of raising more awareness among the population. 

This project included constant consultations between the different members of the consortium so that all activities contribute to overcome all the challenges existing in the current context. The trainings’ content was innovative and adapted to the situation and to the targeted people. Moreover, through the strengthening of capacities, the exchanges and the creation of a supportive network between the supervisors, but also through the follow-up of the beneficiary of small projects’ grants in the regions, the sustainability of the local initiatives fighting corruption and in favour of accountability was guaranteed.

For more information, please go to the project website: or contact us by e-mail at: or by phone at: (020) 22 204 31.